Washington DC

Exploring History and Politics in Washington, D.C.

Washington D.C. offers an array of memorials, museums, and attractions to explore for those wanting to learn more about the history and workings of the United States. Many government offices are open to the public and available for tours, free of charge. Prior to visiting, I strongly recommended that you contact your local congressman or senator to secure tour tickets […]

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The Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

The Smithsonian Institution is the collective name for the world’s largest research and museum complex. Of the 19 museums, galleries and zoological park that comprise the Institution, most are found in Washington, D.C. with the majority located on the National Mall. The National Mall is the area of D.C. between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol Building with the Washington Monument right in between the two.

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Baltimore By Water Taxi: An Inner Harbor Experience

Baltimore, Maryland or “Bawl-mer”, as it is pronounced by the locals, is located approximately 40 miles from Washington, DC.  Since its founding in the 1700s, Baltimore has been a major seaport and one of the most visited areas of the city is the Inner Harbor.  Steeped in history, the Harbor offers a variety of attractions, entertainment, shopping

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